November 6, 2012
Canadian Society of Safety Engineers Professional Development Conference in Niagara Falls Canada was held Sept. 10th and 11th.
Behavior Safety Now Conference in Jacksonville Florida – Oct. 10th and 11th.
National Safety Council’s 100th Conference and Exposition held this year in Ft. Lauderdale Florida – Oct. 22nd – 24th.
S&W showcased their Site-Wise Guardian Observation system, Incident Tracking system, SafeScan capture solution and their newest mobile platforms for the Blackberry, iPhone and Android. Attendance at all three shows was strong especially the 2012 NSC Expo in Florida. Occupational and health and safety professionals from around the globe as well as S&W customers were shown how S&W’s Site-Wise Guardian, Incident Tracking and SafeScan solution make it a robust end-end solution for the reduction and reporting of safety incidents.